In going through Paul's scrapbooks in his study tonight, I found a few pix of the Friday evening hotel hospitality room set-up the night before our Silver Anniversary Reunion party. Not only is Paul gone, but so are two of the folks in the pictures. Check them out at the website, khs65.com they are in the 2011 album. Chuck Cross was such a great supporter of KHS65, and loved working on the reunions so much. His life was way too short, a great loss to those who were privileged to know him. One of these days I'll look to see what other photos I have of that reunion, I know I have some.
I decided to post this one here. Paul was notorious for taking pix of female rear ends, here he caught Joanne Cross helping stock the eats at the bar in the hotel hospitality suite. I can't believe I am knowingly posting a photo of me with curlers and a scarf! It looks like I just took a swig of that Coke or ate a cracker, dumb look on my face and dumb picture, but it brought a smile to my face all these years later. Can we believe it is nearly another 25 years since that magic night in 1990???
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