Interactive news, reviews, gossip, musings, activities, photos, mysteries, histories, stories, truths, lies & video tapes from & for graduates of the Kirkwood (MO) High School fabulous class of 1965. Email us anything you would like to share to leslieatkhs65dotcom. See photos at www.khs65.com - comment here or on the website to make yourself heard! FIND US ~ www.khs65.com ~ www.khs65.org ~ FACEBOOK KHS65 ~ http://khs65blog.com ~ KHS65 MAKE IT A HABIT!
Friday, January 15, 2010
KNOTT Gregory Alan Gregory Alan Knott, 62, died suddenly on Sunday morning, January 10, 2010, at his home in the Old West End. Born in Massillon, Ohio, in 1947, Greg attended high school in Kirkwood, Missouri and continued his education at Ohio Northern University. He went on to work for the Norfolk & Western Railroad and became the youngest engineer with his own crew in the history of the company. He retired from the railroad after 10 years. Greg then sold real estate in Toledo's Old West End, at that time a declining neighborhood. He was instrumental in changing that area into the show place that it is today, with the entire community listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Around 1980, he served on Mayor Donna Owens' Save Our City committee. In 1981, with a friend, he designed, built and operated the original Toledo Recycling Station, the first theme-oriented buy-back recycling center in the World. In 1987, he converted a bare, concrete warehouse into bretz; an elegant night club welcoming the Gay community and serving all persons of good will. bretz remained a premier night spot for over twenty years. In 2007, Greg sold bretz which remains in business today. Greg was a close friend of Laurel G. Blair, an avid collector of lithophanes, which are three-dimensional porcelain castings designed to be lit from behind. He was deeply involved in the establishment of the Blair Museum of Lithophanes, located at the Toledo Botanical Gardens. Over the past 10 years, Greg spent summers taking his 23 foot boat, the Dollar Dance, through numerous Canadian waterways. His adventures carried him and his friends from Toledo throughout the Great Lakes, ranging from Duluth, MN to the salt waters of the St. Lawrence for whale watching. Greg was also a member of the Masonic Lodge. Greg is survived by Riba (his loyal and devoted four-legged friend), the Dollar Dance, and a large family of loving friends. Visitation will be at the Maison-Dardenne Funeral Home located at 501 Conant St, Maumee, OH. Visitation hours will be Friday, January 15, from 6pm-9pm and Saturday, January 16th, from 10am-1pm. At 5pm, a memorial service will be held at St. Mark's Episcopal Church located at 2272 Collingwood Blvd. A celebration of Greg's life will follow at the church hall. Donations may be made to the Gregory A. Knott Acquisitions Fund of the Blair Museum of Lithophanes: 5403 Elmer Dr, Toledo, OH 43615 or the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum: 400 Portage Ave, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783.

Published in Toledo Blade from January 14 to January 15, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Do YOU remember Don Robinson?
From our great pal Greg Knott in Toledo comes this wonderful YOUTUBE video which I hope everyone will watch. It's 9 minutes and very informative. I know many of you won't know who he is but it doesn't matter, this is worth the watch! Made me want to go out hiking! Thanks Greg as always for staying in touch. If one goes to http://www.khs65.com/ to the third photo gallery from the top, then scroll down on page three, you'll see the 1960s version of this story!
Here is the YOUTUBE link. ENJOY!
OR just go here:
Here is the YOUTUBE link. ENJOY!
OR just go here:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Hi everybody, Happy New Year!
I love hearing from old friends! Because of my physical disabilities, my activities are limited butI always seem to find things to do. I'm still busy with my genealogical research. I always get these crazy ideas. Several years ago I decided I wanted to learn to play the bass guitar and so taught myself. This year I decided that I wanted to learn to play the drums! Fortunately, the drum shop is right down the street from me. I bought a starter set of drums and then traded up to a better set. You would really get a kick out of the expressions on the faces of the young kids waiting for their lessons when this old chick comes walking out of the practice room. I told my instructor that if I keep up the lessons that they are going to have to add a handicap entrance for old people :D I really enjoy it. Now if just had an extra arm and leg. Maybe the lessons would be easier! I have a breeding pair of canaries, although they have only produced 1 live chick. Then they decided that they wouldn't feed him. So rather than letting him die, I started feeding him every 2 hours for weeks. He turned out to be an amazing, fun little guy. I can't bare to keep him in his cage, so he pretty much has the free run of the house! Here is little Eddie on DAY 1.
Wonder where his name came from, he was born on my dad's birthday and yes, my dad's name is Edward.
The other thing I decided to do was learn American Sign Language. I'm doing well.
Have a great year everybody!
Linda Stevens, US Army Nurse Corps Vietnam Era Veteran
41st Combat Support Hospital -- Member American Legion Post 404
HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's cold here in the Kirkwood area today; hope everyone is warm and snug wherever you may find yourself! I'm still trying to figure out the various details of how the blog works, and want to say that if you sign up for POSTS at the bottom of the front page, you'll at least know when someone adds a comment. And I THINK you receive a notice when a new POST is added. Working on 3 blogs right now, and trying to get them all 3 to work just right!!!
Speaking of classmates, here is a note of this morning from Ron Persons, a Robinson & Nipherite:
I don't know how to blog, so I will let you know my latest. (I am lost without my daughters.) I mentioned in my last email that I am single now after 36 years of marriage. In grade school to sophomore year I lived on George Street near Woodbine. Thebies Store was across the street. My parents moved to Clinton Ave. during my junior year at KHS. My family and Jim Persons [Ron's uncle & our classmate] now live in Florida. I live in Pensacola. When I retire I will move to Tampa where my kids and future grandchildren will be. Jim lives near Ft. Lauderdale. I have been a sales engineer for 37 years and am looking forward to retiring. I will probably not make the reunion but am looking forward to the next one. Hope to see my KHS friends soon, Ron Persons
Thanks Ron for getting in touch! Hope many of you will get in touch! Send heat to St. Louis!
Speaking of classmates, here is a note of this morning from Ron Persons, a Robinson & Nipherite:
I don't know how to blog, so I will let you know my latest. (I am lost without my daughters.) I mentioned in my last email that I am single now after 36 years of marriage. In grade school to sophomore year I lived on George Street near Woodbine. Thebies Store was across the street. My parents moved to Clinton Ave. during my junior year at KHS. My family and Jim Persons [Ron's uncle & our classmate] now live in Florida. I live in Pensacola. When I retire I will move to Tampa where my kids and future grandchildren will be. Jim lives near Ft. Lauderdale. I have been a sales engineer for 37 years and am looking forward to retiring. I will probably not make the reunion but am looking forward to the next one. Hope to see my KHS friends soon, Ron Persons
Thanks Ron for getting in touch! Hope many of you will get in touch! Send heat to St. Louis!
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