From Jim Olson:
Interactive news, reviews, gossip, musings, activities, photos, mysteries, histories, stories, truths, lies & video tapes from & for graduates of the Kirkwood (MO) High School fabulous class of 1965. Email us anything you would like to share to leslieatkhs65dotcom. See photos at - comment here or on the website to make yourself heard! FIND US ~ ~ ~ FACEBOOK KHS65 ~ ~ KHS65 MAKE IT A HABIT!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Our wonderful KHS65 Alumni Sports Hall of Famer Jim Olson was recently interviewed for an upcoming article, and maybe a book, recently. He sent me this GREAT rundown which I must share with everyone. Our Kirkwood Track & Field and Cross Country teams have been legendary for years and you'll see why. As a bragging right I will add that my brother Kert, KHS69, was Co-Captain of the 1969 Track and Field team, placing third in Pole Vault at the State Outdoor Meet in 1969. I'm very proud of him, and he reminds me that even though he was not a cross country runner, the Track and Field guys DID have to work out with the cross country team in the winter...not one of his favorite KHS memories! He knew the members of the 1969 Cross Country team well though, and sends congrats to them again all these years later!
From Jim Olson:
From Jim Olson:
"Leslie - These are results of the 1964 cross country state meet.
This guy [the fellow who interviewed him] went wayyyyyyyy, wayyyyyyyyy deeper than one would think, so
here are the highlights: (First five runners count in score.)
1.1964 Kirkwood cross country team won with 52 points under coach Fred Lyon. State record for lowest score.
1st - Jim Olson KHS65 - state record time of 9:39.9 (As
Gary Schmidt said, "Olson was putting on his sweats before the second
guy even crossed the finished line." (He won by 29 1/2 seconds.)
6th - Rod Bruckdorfer KHS65 - 10:13
10th - Gary Schmidt KHS65 (12th overall) - 10:26
12th - Bill Barrow (Jr.) (15th overall) - 10:31
31th - Phil Mills (Jr.) (23rd overall) - 10:46
41th - Bill Pape KHS65 (31st overall) - 10:53.5
69th - Bob Leonard KHS65 (55th overall) - 11:08.8
2. Missouri State Cross County Meet held at Columbia's A.L. Gustin Golf Course. All Time 2 Mile Individual Honor Roll (1963-1974.) During this 11 year period, over 1900 runners ran at the State meet.
Kirkwood runners listed below. (Note: they changed the distance to 2
1/2 miles in 1975, the only way they could erase Olson's record.)
Rank 1 - Jim Olson - 9:39.9 - 1st - 1964 (KHS65)
10th - Kerry Hogan 9:49.9 - 1st - 1967 (KHS68)
12th - Kirk Hogan - 9:51 - 2nd - 1967 (KHS68)
19th - Wolfgang Kaschner - 2nd - 9:57.2 -1971
35th - Bob Nellums - 10:05 - 2nd - 1970 (KHS70)
3. Missouri State Cross County All Time Team Rankings (1963-1974)
Rank 5th - 1969 Kirkwood Pioneers
Jim Benkert - 2nd - 10:12
Lennie Harrison - 4th - 10:17
Bob Nellums - 5th - 10:18
Don Axt - 7th - 10:22
Cecil Jones - 10th - 10:28
Doug Ashcraft - 27th - 10:47
Rich Nellums - 40th - 10:57
Rank 7th - 1964 Kirkwood Pioneers
See above
Assume some people will enjoy seeing this and will probably know some of the other kids from other classes that did well, too.
THANKS JIM for sharing this with us!
Remembering Eric Lothman
I am sure many of you remember our late classmate, Eric Lothman who left us way too early. Here is part of his obituary from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at the time of his passing:
Dr. Eric William Lothman, a former
neurologist in St. Louis and a specialist in epilepsy, died Saturday
(April 15, 1995) in Charlottesville, Va., after suffering an apparent
heart attack while jogging. He was 47.
Dr. Lothman, of Charlottesville, earned his bachelor's and medical degrees and doctorate from Duke University. He got his neurological training and practiced at Barnes Hospital and Washington University.
In 1983, Dr. Lothman joined the faculty of the University of Virginia's Department of Neurology. In 1990, he was appointed to the Eugene Meyer III chair in neuroscience.
In 1992, Dr. Lothman received the Javits Award of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke. …
I remember at the time the extreme shock and dismay brought on by his death, especially in the neurological community. I mention Eric now because I was recently giving my new husband and my brother, Kert KHS69, a tour of the fabulous new athletic fields and environs and we visited the brick pathway, many of the bricks now having names, dates and memorials to KHS folks of all types. The memorial stone for Eric was particularly touching. Others of our classmates also have honor or memorial bricks too, the Lowe girls and Brent Schenk come to mind. I thought a photo of Eric's memorial might bring back some good memories of him for those of you who were his friends.These bricks are a great way to donate to Kirkwood School District Foundation and remember your family and our childhood!
Dr. Lothman, of Charlottesville, earned his bachelor's and medical degrees and doctorate from Duke University. He got his neurological training and practiced at Barnes Hospital and Washington University.
In 1983, Dr. Lothman joined the faculty of the University of Virginia's Department of Neurology. In 1990, he was appointed to the Eugene Meyer III chair in neuroscience.
In 1992, Dr. Lothman received the Javits Award of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke. …
I remember at the time the extreme shock and dismay brought on by his death, especially in the neurological community. I mention Eric now because I was recently giving my new husband and my brother, Kert KHS69, a tour of the fabulous new athletic fields and environs and we visited the brick pathway, many of the bricks now having names, dates and memorials to KHS folks of all types. The memorial stone for Eric was particularly touching. Others of our classmates also have honor or memorial bricks too, the Lowe girls and Brent Schenk come to mind. I thought a photo of Eric's memorial might bring back some good memories of him for those of you who were his friends.These bricks are a great way to donate to Kirkwood School District Foundation and remember your family and our childhood!
Monday, November 3, 2014
Don't Worry, Be Happy ----- In Kirkwood, Missouri
Don't Worry, Be Happy...a well-known line...but in Kirkwood it means something! The national real estate blog Movoto has ranked Kirkwood as the happiest city in Missouri among cities of 25k or more population! We coulda told them that! Based on things like unemployment, commute, cost of living, personal safety and walkability, and college education etc. Kirkwood wins. Also in the top 10 are Chesterfield, #2, Ballwin #3 and Maryland Hgts, #10. It's nice to know that others think what we already know! BE HAPPY wherever you are! Be happy thinking of our 50th Anniversary October 9-11, 2015, where else but here in Kirkwood! If you did NOT receive a Save the Date letter in the US MAIL, please get in touch by commenting here or email leslie at khs65 dot com.
Friday, September 5, 2014
In 2011 Bill Pottgen sent me a hilariously funny video and his comment was "I can't wait for our 50th!"... Now it's upon us, and I just discovered the video lurking in my email cavern...but now I know how to share it. GO HERE to see how funny this is and Bill, thanks for entertaining us, even if I am a bit slow on the uptake!
Monday, September 1, 2014
In the past I have solicited information on our classmates who are Veterans. I have several names, but I know there are more. Please let me know via email, leslie@ khs65 dot com, if you are a Veteran or if anyone in the class is a Veteran to your knowledge. I'd love to know the service branch, but it's not necessary. Here are the names of those I already have:
Jim Waters (I know he died in October of 2004, and is buried at Jefferson Barracks. I THINK he died of agent orange exposure during his stint in Viet Nam (see post of 11 Jun 2015), but if you have more or better info, please advise), Frank West, USAF 65-69, John Winkler, the late Byron Vermillion, U S Navy, Linda Stevens, Viet Nam era nurse, Roberts (Ric) USN, Jerome Rawlings, MP killed in action, Bob O'Neill*, Gene Muir, Rusty Nelson, Rich Mills, Eric Johns, Steve Huber, Paul Silman, USN 66-70 Viet Nam 1968, Gary Schmidt Viet Nam, Ken McBride Viet Nam, Jeff Beardsley, non-combat death, Viet Nam, Russ Jaeger, Jack Toman, U S Army Band; Howard Boltz is the only KHS65 member who served in the Merchant Marine, but I don't know the time-frame; Jim Olson, KS Air Natl Guard; Jim Persons, USN; Phil Brown; Ervin (Scotty) Scott; Earl Herweck, USCG.
Well, I am embarrassed to say I forgot a few fellows who I know darned good and well are veterans, but several folks chimed in on Facebook to help me out to add even more to our list:
Ric Porte, Navy; Bob Baker, Army Viet Nam; John De Ruiter, 70-72 Army;Scott Heuer;
Dell Ferguson Air Force 66 - 70; Tom Justison Air Force 66-70; Doug McKelvy; Tom Webdell; Butch Goodrich Army Viet Nam 68-69; Jim Huddleston 67-70 US Army; Mike Caldwell USAF; Al Lawrence US Army, Viet Nam 68-69; Larry Allin, Combat Medic 1st Cavalry, Vietnam 68-69 and a current Kirkwood resident; Bill Watts, Army 10/69-5/72, MOS 55G; Don Stream USN; Mark Lawler, cousin of Bill Watts, Army I think; Mike Bosworth, USN; Art Leavens, USN; Dick Schmidt, USN; Jim Russell, US Army.
*Bob O'Neill sent this today, 5/5/15: "I enlisted in September of 67 and became a crew chief on a CH-47 Chinook. I also was stateside with the 82d airborne Div. at Ft. Bragg,NC. I joined the reserves when I got back and in 1986 went back to Ft. Eustis, VA. to go to UH-60 Blackhawk school. Well into "Retirement" mode when I found myself one of the first Hawks in beautiful downtown Kuwait international air port. Retired in 1997. I had a great time and wouldn't change a thing." When Bob and his beautiful bride CJ were married, Art Stout was the groomsman. All of Bob's pals were in service somewhere, many in Viet Nam, and so his dad was his Best Man and Art was the groomsman. Bob also told me that Fred Lyon, whose hobby was trains, was writing a book on the KATY line which was never finished; his research resides with the Historical Society. A fun project for someone to finish!
Feb., 2015 - A nice note from Tom Justison with further information on his Air Force stint, THANKS for sharing Tom and look forward to seeing you in October! "I was in the US Air Force from December 1966-May 1970. Basic training at Amarillo AFB, TX. Then went to Keesler AFB, MS for tech school training for Air Traffic Controller. I was at Kadena AFB, Okinawa for 18 months. Then finished service at Webb AFB, TX"
Thanks to Steve Fick for alerting me that John Evans and Art Leavens served in the U S Navy. Jim Russell also recently wrote to me with interesting information:
I served in the Army 1969 - 1971 with service in Viet Nam 1970 - 1971. I was assigned to military intelligence, post-basic training was sent to El Paso to learn the Vietnamese language, then to Baltimore for training in intelligence gathering, then to Viet Nam assigned to the First Cavalry Division in the central highlands. My MOS (military occupational specialty) was ‘interrogation specialist’ (…sounds terrible, doesn’t it?…but primarily involved interviewing captured viet cong and north Vietnamese soldiers and war refugees) ( water-boarding!).
Art Leavens sent me the following interesting recap of his service:
I was an active-duty member of the U.S. Navy Reserve from Jan 1970 through July 1972, during which I first went to Officer Candidate School in Newport, RI and then served on the USS Myles C. Fox (DD-829), first as Electronics Material Officer (as an Ensign) and then as Combat Information Center Officer (as a Lt. Junior Grade). The Fox was stationed in Newport, and while I was on it we deployed three times, first to South America (where we, along with two other American warships and an American submarine, operated with various South American navies), second to the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo, Cuba (where we spent two months in training exercises after our ship had been refurbished in the Boston shipyard), and third to the Indian Ocean (where we operated alone, going to various west-African and Middle-Eastern countries, essentially showing the flag) and then to the Philippines and the Gulf of Tonkin (where we provided various kinds of naval support to ongoing combat operations). The Fox completed that deployment by sailing across the Pacific and through the Panama Canal back to Newport, making it an around-the-world cruise. But I separated from the ship in Japan and flew home, where I was discharged from active service before the ship got home. One KHS footnote: while on the South American deployment in 1970, the ship docked briefly in Comodoro Rivadavia, a wind-swept, god-forsaken port in southern Argentina. I went ashore to look around and ended up in a little restaurant for dinner. Who was sitting there, also by himself, but Dick Schmidt, our classmate. Unbeknownst to me, Dick was in the Navy and stationed aboard the USS Yarnell, the flagship of our little task force. So, we had a nice meal – Argentina has some seriously good steaks – and caught up. It was a very pleasant surprise.
Ron Persons has sent the following note about his Naval Service: SERVICE: I joined the Navy Reserves in 1967 while going to UMSL. I was called up for active duty in 1969 while attending University of Missouri at Rolla. Served one year and nine months on the USS St. Paul, a heavy cruiser as a fire control technician. We left San Diego for Vietnam with a stop in Hawaii and Subic Bay in the Philippines. Spent 40 days at a time on the gun line off the coast of Vietnam. Then the admiral would land his helicopter on the back deck and we would go to some good ports in Japan. Went to the World's Fair, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, etc
11/13/14 - Today I received a nice note from Alan (The Count) Yount which I hope you all find as interesting as did I:
"I served in the U.S. Air Force Band of the West, at Lackland, AFB, in San Antonio, TX. Also, with the Missouri Air National Guard, Band and Stageband, as a trumpet player, for six years, 1968 to 1974.
We are interested in honoring the Veterans among us at our 50th Reunion. If you want to send a missive about your time in service, don't hesitate, I think I see some entries into an anniversary book coming! Thank you!!! And thank you all for your service!
Jim Waters (I know he died in October of 2004, and is buried at Jefferson Barracks. I THINK he died of agent orange exposure during his stint in Viet Nam (see post of 11 Jun 2015), but if you have more or better info, please advise), Frank West, USAF 65-69, John Winkler, the late Byron Vermillion, U S Navy, Linda Stevens, Viet Nam era nurse, Roberts (Ric) USN, Jerome Rawlings, MP killed in action, Bob O'Neill*, Gene Muir, Rusty Nelson, Rich Mills, Eric Johns, Steve Huber, Paul Silman, USN 66-70 Viet Nam 1968, Gary Schmidt Viet Nam, Ken McBride Viet Nam, Jeff Beardsley, non-combat death, Viet Nam, Russ Jaeger, Jack Toman, U S Army Band; Howard Boltz is the only KHS65 member who served in the Merchant Marine, but I don't know the time-frame; Jim Olson, KS Air Natl Guard; Jim Persons, USN; Phil Brown; Ervin (Scotty) Scott; Earl Herweck, USCG.
Well, I am embarrassed to say I forgot a few fellows who I know darned good and well are veterans, but several folks chimed in on Facebook to help me out to add even more to our list:
Ric Porte, Navy; Bob Baker, Army Viet Nam; John De Ruiter, 70-72 Army;Scott Heuer;
Dell Ferguson Air Force 66 - 70; Tom Justison Air Force 66-70; Doug McKelvy; Tom Webdell; Butch Goodrich Army Viet Nam 68-69; Jim Huddleston 67-70 US Army; Mike Caldwell USAF; Al Lawrence US Army, Viet Nam 68-69; Larry Allin, Combat Medic 1st Cavalry, Vietnam 68-69 and a current Kirkwood resident; Bill Watts, Army 10/69-5/72, MOS 55G; Don Stream USN; Mark Lawler, cousin of Bill Watts, Army I think; Mike Bosworth, USN; Art Leavens, USN; Dick Schmidt, USN; Jim Russell, US Army.
*Bob O'Neill sent this today, 5/5/15: "I enlisted in September of 67 and became a crew chief on a CH-47 Chinook. I also was stateside with the 82d airborne Div. at Ft. Bragg,NC. I joined the reserves when I got back and in 1986 went back to Ft. Eustis, VA. to go to UH-60 Blackhawk school. Well into "Retirement" mode when I found myself one of the first Hawks in beautiful downtown Kuwait international air port. Retired in 1997. I had a great time and wouldn't change a thing." When Bob and his beautiful bride CJ were married, Art Stout was the groomsman. All of Bob's pals were in service somewhere, many in Viet Nam, and so his dad was his Best Man and Art was the groomsman. Bob also told me that Fred Lyon, whose hobby was trains, was writing a book on the KATY line which was never finished; his research resides with the Historical Society. A fun project for someone to finish!
Feb., 2015 - A nice note from Tom Justison with further information on his Air Force stint, THANKS for sharing Tom and look forward to seeing you in October! "I was in the US Air Force from December 1966-May 1970. Basic training at Amarillo AFB, TX. Then went to Keesler AFB, MS for tech school training for Air Traffic Controller. I was at Kadena AFB, Okinawa for 18 months. Then finished service at Webb AFB, TX"
Thanks to Steve Fick for alerting me that John Evans and Art Leavens served in the U S Navy. Jim Russell also recently wrote to me with interesting information:
I served in the Army 1969 - 1971 with service in Viet Nam 1970 - 1971. I was assigned to military intelligence, post-basic training was sent to El Paso to learn the Vietnamese language, then to Baltimore for training in intelligence gathering, then to Viet Nam assigned to the First Cavalry Division in the central highlands. My MOS (military occupational specialty) was ‘interrogation specialist’ (…sounds terrible, doesn’t it?…but primarily involved interviewing captured viet cong and north Vietnamese soldiers and war refugees) ( water-boarding!).
Richard Hodill did Naval ROTC at Northwestern followed by some time in service. Another thank you to Steve Fick for this addition!
Art Leavens sent me the following interesting recap of his service:
I was an active-duty member of the U.S. Navy Reserve from Jan 1970 through July 1972, during which I first went to Officer Candidate School in Newport, RI and then served on the USS Myles C. Fox (DD-829), first as Electronics Material Officer (as an Ensign) and then as Combat Information Center Officer (as a Lt. Junior Grade). The Fox was stationed in Newport, and while I was on it we deployed three times, first to South America (where we, along with two other American warships and an American submarine, operated with various South American navies), second to the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo, Cuba (where we spent two months in training exercises after our ship had been refurbished in the Boston shipyard), and third to the Indian Ocean (where we operated alone, going to various west-African and Middle-Eastern countries, essentially showing the flag) and then to the Philippines and the Gulf of Tonkin (where we provided various kinds of naval support to ongoing combat operations). The Fox completed that deployment by sailing across the Pacific and through the Panama Canal back to Newport, making it an around-the-world cruise. But I separated from the ship in Japan and flew home, where I was discharged from active service before the ship got home. One KHS footnote: while on the South American deployment in 1970, the ship docked briefly in Comodoro Rivadavia, a wind-swept, god-forsaken port in southern Argentina. I went ashore to look around and ended up in a little restaurant for dinner. Who was sitting there, also by himself, but Dick Schmidt, our classmate. Unbeknownst to me, Dick was in the Navy and stationed aboard the USS Yarnell, the flagship of our little task force. So, we had a nice meal – Argentina has some seriously good steaks – and caught up. It was a very pleasant surprise.
Ron Persons has sent the following note about his Naval Service: SERVICE: I joined the Navy Reserves in 1967 while going to UMSL. I was called up for active duty in 1969 while attending University of Missouri at Rolla. Served one year and nine months on the USS St. Paul, a heavy cruiser as a fire control technician. We left San Diego for Vietnam with a stop in Hawaii and Subic Bay in the Philippines. Spent 40 days at a time on the gun line off the coast of Vietnam. Then the admiral would land his helicopter on the back deck and we would go to some good ports in Japan. Went to the World's Fair, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, etc
11/13/14 - Today I received a nice note from Alan (The Count) Yount which I hope you all find as interesting as did I:
"I served in the U.S. Air Force Band of the West, at Lackland, AFB, in San Antonio, TX. Also, with the Missouri Air National Guard, Band and Stageband, as a trumpet player, for six years, 1968 to 1974.
Scott Heuer, Bill Bay,
Rich McDonnell, and I were all from Kirkwood ... and in the band. There were five
trumpets in the stage band. Bill played first, and I played second. We had many
of the original charts from Maynard Fergusson, and Buddy Rich. Bill was really a
great trumpet player to sit next too. We played many of the “screamin' high
notes" together. Rich was a really good alto sax player, but Scott was even
better and he played lead alto sax."
THANKS Alan for sharing, we look forward to seeing you at our 50th reunion!
We are interested in honoring the Veterans among us at our 50th Reunion. If you want to send a missive about your time in service, don't hesitate, I think I see some entries into an anniversary book coming! Thank you!!! And thank you all for your service!
Monday, August 4, 2014
I have to say, when Karen Lowe Adams called me one day last week and said that Dorothy Hunter was on TV because she was 107 years old I almost fell out of my chair! I had NO idea she was still living. As many of you know, I often drive home from anywhere east of my house in Chesterfield through Kirkwood, and I often go down Geyer Road and past the Hunter's home near the corner of Geyer and Essex. She was my third grade teacher along with 29 of my good friends! And our Robinson Principal, Miss Dorothy Backus, lived with the Hunters. I had NO idea Mrs. Hunter lived there as recently as 10 years ago!!! I would have stopped in! It is amazing how many of us are still right here in St. Louis County and in touch with one another. Check out this article from Kirkwood Webster Times then check my personal Facebook Page for the link to the TV broadcast. I have also posted our Third Grade photo on my personal Facebook Page. You'll recognize plenty of the kids I'm sure!
I was looking at this class photo recently and couldn't remember who the girl in the 2nd row between Lydia Flanigan and Susan Hayes was, she moved away. Later I was looking at the photo again and "Nancy Jeffries" popped into my we think maybe that is the name of the gal who moved?? Or did I dream that up ???
Do you know all the names?
front: Susan & Sharon Merritt, Karen & Sharon Lowe in that order
2nd row: Jamie Linton, Anne Smith, moi, Lydia, Nancy, Susan, Allison Rose (moved away, lived in Sugar Creek Rance w/ me & the Lowes), Mattie Hall, my first friend at school, in 2nd grade the year before.
3rd row: Jeannette Klein, Jody Morelock, Ricky Kohler, Reid Bartleson, Charlie Stevenson, Bobby Vogt, Doug Hayman, Scott Heuer, Danny Butler, moved, Brian Higgins (went to Military School later)
4th row: Joyce Miller, Jack Toman, Jim Russell, Russ Magee, Emmett Schaefer, Jim Persons, Ed Silver, Larry Jacobson.

Do you know all the names?
front: Susan & Sharon Merritt, Karen & Sharon Lowe in that order
2nd row: Jamie Linton, Anne Smith, moi, Lydia, Nancy, Susan, Allison Rose (moved away, lived in Sugar Creek Rance w/ me & the Lowes), Mattie Hall, my first friend at school, in 2nd grade the year before.
3rd row: Jeannette Klein, Jody Morelock, Ricky Kohler, Reid Bartleson, Charlie Stevenson, Bobby Vogt, Doug Hayman, Scott Heuer, Danny Butler, moved, Brian Higgins (went to Military School later)
4th row: Joyce Miller, Jack Toman, Jim Russell, Russ Magee, Emmett Schaefer, Jim Persons, Ed Silver, Larry Jacobson.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
As difficult as it is for me to believe it, we're at that time when a 50th Reunion, our GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY, must be considered. HOW can this have happened? We're all asking that same question!!!
SAVE THE DATE!! Weekend of October 9 - 11, 2015. A dinner dance at Greenbriar will anchor the weekend, with a casual get-together Friday night, as always. We'll likely have one or some school tours on Saturday, and a picnic at Kirkwood Park on Sunday. There is a plan afoot that we might also offer a brunch on Sunday... and a group is thinking about a CRUISE to somewhere tropical, think Bahamas, too! Please keep an eye on our FB pages, KHS65 or KHS65Blog, our website and here for updates as often as we have them. The Committee is large, so lots of good ideas should flow, and Karen Lowe Adams has done a lot of preliminary footwork so it is really shaping matter HOW difficult it is to believe it's this time of our lives! PLEASE send me any address, email, phone updates so we can get our database up to the most current status - we want to find everyone! Call, email leslie@khs65 dot com, or reach me thru any of our online 'places'. I'm sooo easy to reach!
SAVE THE DATE!! Weekend of October 9 - 11, 2015. A dinner dance at Greenbriar will anchor the weekend, with a casual get-together Friday night, as always. We'll likely have one or some school tours on Saturday, and a picnic at Kirkwood Park on Sunday. There is a plan afoot that we might also offer a brunch on Sunday... and a group is thinking about a CRUISE to somewhere tropical, think Bahamas, too! Please keep an eye on our FB pages, KHS65 or KHS65Blog, our website and here for updates as often as we have them. The Committee is large, so lots of good ideas should flow, and Karen Lowe Adams has done a lot of preliminary footwork so it is really shaping matter HOW difficult it is to believe it's this time of our lives! PLEASE send me any address, email, phone updates so we can get our database up to the most current status - we want to find everyone! Call, email leslie@khs65 dot com, or reach me thru any of our online 'places'. I'm sooo easy to reach!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
INVITATION received from Kirkwood School District today:
Splash Breaking - official ground breaking for the construction of the Walker Natatorium, competitive pool at Kirkwood High School, made possible through a grant by the Earl E. and Myrtle E. Walker Foundation (parents of our KHS65 classmate Tom Walker). Wednesday 8/6/14, 6:30pm CHOPIN Parking Lot - parking only on Dougherty Ferry or Essex lots...
RSVP 314 213 6123 OR
Should be a fun way to spend an evening...dinner at Kirkwood Deli on the way? Sounds like a plan to me!
Splash Breaking - official ground breaking for the construction of the Walker Natatorium, competitive pool at Kirkwood High School, made possible through a grant by the Earl E. and Myrtle E. Walker Foundation (parents of our KHS65 classmate Tom Walker). Wednesday 8/6/14, 6:30pm CHOPIN Parking Lot - parking only on Dougherty Ferry or Essex lots...
RSVP 314 213 6123 OR
Should be a fun way to spend an evening...dinner at Kirkwood Deli on the way? Sounds like a plan to me!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
This past Saturday after a day of Memorial Day activities I retrieved my car from Helen Fitzgerald's Restaurant just south of Watson Road and headed up north on Lindbergh toward home. I stopped first at the Kirkwood Train Station to photo the STL250 birthday cake. If you don't know about them, go to They are large fiberglass cakes celebrating St. Louis' 250th birthday and the place at which they are located. You can see the list of all 250 cakes with their locations listed at the above website. I got a parking space right in front and spotted a young man photo'ing his son, so he agreed to photo me. I love the picture of his son, he jumped right up and assumed the Statue of Liberty stance immediately. His shirt of course adds to the photo! I then took a picture of him and his dad with their cameraphone. There was not as much traffic Saturday as I expected to see, so I had a nice drive home, heading from the Train Station east to Taylor and over Taylor to Manchester. I must say, I am sure I have never seen that route looking more beautiful than it did Saturday. It seemed liked EVERY lawn was manicured, flowering plants in wild bloom, many homes adorned with flags and banners, it was noticeably more beautiful than ever! I hope you enjoy the pix... NEXT on my list is to meet Dave B and Bob O, along with my son, and take our pix at the cake at the MO Transport Museum... getting all 4 of us in the same place at the same time might be tricky, but I'm hellbent to do it -
This cake was sponsored by Bethesda Health Group, which has a large nursing home/assisted living facility in Kirkwood.
This cake was sponsored by Bethesda Health Group, which has a large nursing home/assisted living facility in Kirkwood.
Monday, April 28, 2014
KHS receives Ranking from the Washington Post ~ KHS was among 10 St. Louis area high schools ranking as one of the most challenging high schools in the nation in the recent ranking by the WP. Among factors contributing to the rating are % of students who took college-ready tests and how many passed.
Scott Stream, younger brother of our KHS65 classmate Donald Stream, has stepped down from the Kirkwood School Board after 9 years of service. Scott has been very active in local politics in addition to his duties on the School Board as well as other KHS related volunteer jobs.
Important to many of us alumni is the Lyons Stadium improvement project, underway now. We have been promised that the $3.2 million renovation will be finished by the first home kick-off this fall. Improvements will include new bleachers, concession areas, restrooms and a press box. It will be brought into compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Our severe winter hindered the beginning of demolition, but that lost time has been made up. GO PIONEERS!!!
These news flashes are courtesy of the current issue of the Kirkwood Webster Times, known by some in our area as the Webster Kirkwood Times,
Let's make plans to christen the newly improved Lyons Stadium come fall!!!!
This is an email I received from our alumni guru Ginger, but by then I'd already posted this information here and on Facebook. I hope some of you may be interested in attending the meeting! "I hope word has reached you about the generosity of the Walker Foundation in establishing a $10 million grant to build a competitive pool on the campus of Kirkwood High School. There was an awesome student assembly on Wednesday, April 23. Nance (Walker) Frost and Brian Humes, trustees of the Walker Foundation, made the announcement to the students. Nance Frost also declared a "call to action" to students, parents and community members to join the Walkers in the deep end of the pool and raise funds to endow The Walker Natatorium for generations of Pioneers! I hope you will join us in our first meeting on Tuesday, April 29 at 4 p.m. in the administrative services center, 11289 Manchester Road, of this grassroots effort to meet this call to action!
Scott Stream, younger brother of our KHS65 classmate Donald Stream, has stepped down from the Kirkwood School Board after 9 years of service. Scott has been very active in local politics in addition to his duties on the School Board as well as other KHS related volunteer jobs.
Important to many of us alumni is the Lyons Stadium improvement project, underway now. We have been promised that the $3.2 million renovation will be finished by the first home kick-off this fall. Improvements will include new bleachers, concession areas, restrooms and a press box. It will be brought into compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Our severe winter hindered the beginning of demolition, but that lost time has been made up. GO PIONEERS!!!
These news flashes are courtesy of the current issue of the Kirkwood Webster Times, known by some in our area as the Webster Kirkwood Times,
Let's make plans to christen the newly improved Lyons Stadium come fall!!!!
This is an email I received from our alumni guru Ginger, but by then I'd already posted this information here and on Facebook. I hope some of you may be interested in attending the meeting! "I hope word has reached you about the generosity of the Walker Foundation in establishing a $10 million grant to build a competitive pool on the campus of Kirkwood High School. There was an awesome student assembly on Wednesday, April 23. Nance (Walker) Frost and Brian Humes, trustees of the Walker Foundation, made the announcement to the students. Nance Frost also declared a "call to action" to students, parents and community members to join the Walkers in the deep end of the pool and raise funds to endow The Walker Natatorium for generations of Pioneers! I hope you will join us in our first meeting on Tuesday, April 29 at 4 p.m. in the administrative services center, 11289 Manchester Road, of this grassroots effort to meet this call to action!
objectives for the first meeting are to find out how everyone wants to
be involved in this effort, discuss the parameters of our fundraising
efforts as stipulated by the grant from the Walker Foundation and
discuss our marketing strategy and funding needs. Please invite anyone
you believe would be interested. I hope to see you on Tuesday!"
Ginger (Fletcher) Cayce
Chief Communications Officer
11289 Manchester Road
Kirkwood, MO 63122
314-213-6100, 7851
314-600-7773 (cell)
Chief Communications Officer
11289 Manchester Road
Kirkwood, MO 63122
314-213-6100, 7851
314-600-7773 (cell)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Address postal inquiries to:
Kirkwood School District
11289 Manchester Rd.
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Monday, April 7, 2014
From today's Post Dispatch, comes this obituary for our classmate Larry, who was married to another of our KHS65 classmates, Karen Garlich. We send our sincerest condolences to his family, may he rest in eternal peace and love.
Reifsteck, Larry, Sr. asleep in Jesus on Thursday, April 3,
2014. Beloved husband of Karen Reifsteck (nee Garlich); loving father of Larry
Jr., and Terri Reifsteck; dear grandfather of Lauren and Lindsey Reifsteck;
dear father-in-law of Carrie Bell Reifsteck; dear brother-in-law, uncle, and
friend to many. Services: Visitation Wednesday, April 9, from 3:00pm until time
of funeral service at 7:00pm at BOPP Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd. in Kirkwood.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the American
Heart Association .
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Here we go folks, a great night at Greenbriar Country Club to benefit KSDF and the Kirkwood kids. You can call or email your reservations, check out the details at the website ENJOY! There's a HAT can it not be fun? Click the pic to see a larger view so you can read it :-))
Friday, March 28, 2014
SAVE THE DATE DERBY & DINE 5 - 2 - 14 FUNDRAISER Kirkwood School District Foundation
It's that time of year again, the Kirkwood School District Foundation is sponsoring this year's fundraiser May 2nd, A Night at the Races, DERBY & DINE. Sounds like fun will be had once more at Greenbriar Country Club, 6:30 to 10:00 PM. Don't be left at the gate, seating is limited so says the card. With Derby attire recommended, there will be simulated horse races, raffle, live auction, photo booth and a best hat contest! $75 per ticket with tables available with some chips added in at the higher sponsor levels. Sounds like fun to me!
"We will begin celebrating the District's 150th anniversary during the 2014-15 school year. Preparations for the celebration are underway.
There are a number of ways to be part of the celebration:
*Visit the District's tent at Greentree Festival [last September but likely this fall too.]
*Share your historic photos with us. To upload your favorite KSD photos, visit: or email them to Please add a description.
*Become part of our sesquicentennial planning committee..[.meetings were finished 3/12/14, but I'd bet one could still volunteer!]
All are welcome to be part of the celebration. For questions contact community relations at 314 213 6123."
Our condolences to our loving classmate Rev. Joe Marting whose sister Ellen passed away this week. What a loss to their large, close, loving family. Here is her obituary
Joe and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Joe and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Robinson Elementary Teacher Makes Large Donation
For those of you who attended George R. Robinson Elementary this might be of interest. From 1949-1975, Miss Joyce Garrison, who married and became Mrs. Earl Calvin Parke, taught at Robinson School. In the early 1980s I was attending a luncheon of the Freedoms Foundation here in St. Louis County and happened to see a familiar face. I kept bugging my husband, insisting I KNEW her but couldn't place her, happens a lot to me! I finally went to her table and told her I was sure we had met, and asked if she was perhaps a teacher. Yes, was her answer, and I said in Kirkwood? Yes, and I asked Robinson School? Yes, again. I then said, "I am Leslie Vander Meulen and I think you were my brother's first grade teacher." And immediately she said, "Well yes, you must be Kert's sister." We then had a nice conversation about Robinson, Kirkwood, roots and little Kert. As it turned out she was a member of the MO Mayflower Society and I had seen her name for years as I served in various Board positions. Because she didn't attend meetings regularly (we only have 3 per year) I never saw her so I had no way to know she was the former Joyce Garrison. In 1984 she and her husband retired to Westfield, NY, the area where she was born, very close to my family's Dutch roots around Lake Erie. She was a member of the Buffalo NY Colony of the Mayflower Society after she went back to NY, and the DAR as well as the MO Retired Teachers Assoc.
The current issue of the "Mayflower Quarterly" just arrived and I was surprised to flip to a page and see a photo that looked familiar - Mrs. Parke. The title: "Mayflower Descendant Leaves Society Unprecedented Bequest"... really caught my eye because we get lots of bequests - unprecedented not so ordinary! Our sweet Miss Garrison left the Mayflower Society over $1.5million!!! She had no children and the article describes the bequest as the "majority portion of her estate".
She earned her degree in Elementary Ed at Wash U. She was born in Silver Creek, NY and is buried in the Garrison family plot at Ripley, NY, survived by a niece and two nephews. She died in December 2012. You can go here to see her obituary.
What a lovely connection to make with this lady from Kirkwood doing so much good for such a good cause. The fund will be the Joyce Garrison Parke Memorial Fund. I am sure our Society will find a good home for the funds, as we have a large house museum/library and offices in our care and we are always publishing new research on Mayflower passengers and topics.
In this class were, among some I don't remember, Ray Stelfox, David James (who shared my same b'day and lived just down from Larry Gibbons), Lydia Flanigan, Ricky Kohler, Bob Delong, Bruce Rutherford, Anne Smith, Mary Clifton, Doug Hayman, Bill Watts, Mike Caldwell, John Guyer, Russ Magee, Becky Smith, (the late) Ronnie Reid, and (the late) Charlie Huebner. BUT THEN you'd know these faces if you'd seen where I have a post with lots of class pix ~~and I have more to post, lurking on this computer somewhere!!!
Arlayne McManamie-West's husband passes away
classmate Arlayne McManamie-West's husband, Charles William West (67),
passed away due to a massive heart attack-Tuesday, Feb 18 at Mercy Hosp in
Des Moines. His funeral was today, Friday, Feb 20 at 1:30pm Urbandale,
IA; they were married 45 yrs, have 3 children & 10 grandchildren. He
was a devout Christian, Elder in his church, and played drums in their
church orchestra. Our sincere condolences Arlayne, may he rest in much
love and peace.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Many members of our class knew Rich McDonnell through his music. Someone mentioned to me this week that he had died and I just now had time to look up his obituary in the Post. Here is the link to the obituary. Some of you may know that his brother is Mayor of Kirkwood these days. Weren't we fortunate to have so many talented musicians in our midst growing up in Kirkwood in the mid '60s? Perhaps why our music continues to unite us all these years later.
Another of our time gone too soon.
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St
See more at:
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St
See more at:
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St
See more at:
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St
See more at:
Another of our time gone too soon.
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St. Louis, MO 63103. -
See more at:
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St. Louis, MO 63103. -
See more at:
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St. Louis, MO 63103. -
See more at:
Richard E. Passed away on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Dear friend and
former husband of Cynthia P. McDonnell (nee Platte); loving father of
Boyd (Paige), Carter (Kate), and Clayton (Corinne) McDonnell; dear
grandfather of Ryan, Maris, and Myles McDonnell; dear brother of Arthur
(Barbara) McDonnell, Diane Hadley, Kenneth (Donna) McDonnell, Mary
Carole (Jeff Nilles) McDonnell, and the late Holly McDonnell; dear
uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Richard was a friend to every person he
met, and will be remembered for his love and warm spirit, genuine
interest in others, his beaming smile, and largerthan-life presence. He
enjoyed a 30-year career with A.G. Edwards, and for the last 15 years,
lived his true passion, as founder of the MAXJAZZ record label. To his
core, Richard was a lover and champion of jazz and its artists.
Services: A memorial gathering will be held from 3-6pm on Thurs., Feb.
13, at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., in Kirkwood. In lieu of
flowers, the family requests donations be made in his name to Jazz St.
Louis, 3547 Olive St. Ste. 260, St. Louis, MO 63103. -
See more at:
Richard E. McDonnell

Richard E. McDonnell

Richard E. McDonnell

Richard E. McDonnell

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Our classmate Jim Olson, of Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame and KHS65 Track Team fame is now entering a new arena. Check out his latest project at
and be SURE to watch the video; you'll see Jim as he is today and have a chance to pledge to this fun invention, but even if you don't want to do that, it's a fun project to learn about. Jim was a long-time advertising guru with Gray Advertising, a really creative kinda guy~ Among my favorites were his great Dodge RAM Truck ads on TV, and my all-time favorite, for McDonalds, "Put Litter in its Place"... The project is also on Facebook, The Original Break A Leg typed into the FB search bar will bring it up. BREAK A LEG Jim!
and be SURE to watch the video; you'll see Jim as he is today and have a chance to pledge to this fun invention, but even if you don't want to do that, it's a fun project to learn about. Jim was a long-time advertising guru with Gray Advertising, a really creative kinda guy~ Among my favorites were his great Dodge RAM Truck ads on TV, and my all-time favorite, for McDonalds, "Put Litter in its Place"... The project is also on Facebook, The Original Break A Leg typed into the FB search bar will bring it up. BREAK A LEG Jim!
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