Enjoy and THANKS to our mystery boy for letting me use this, we just don't have THAT many child stars amongst us!

“Neither of my companions was troubled by her burden of years. I hoped in my heart that I might be like them as I lived on into age, and then smiled to think that I too was no longer very young. So we always keep the same hearts, though our outer framework fails and shows the touch of time.”
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Okay I cheated a bit, Dave Beardsley & I think also Ken McBride knew who this is but I sort of disqualified them thinking they'd already seen this. It's our own Viet Nam Vet, train buff par excellence, fab father and amazing husband of 40+ years, the one and only Bob O'Neill. He won a contest, or rather, I think his mom did, and he got to be the Wonder Bread poster boy. Is he just too cute or what?